Dev Log 8 - Post-Production

[Semester 2: Weeks 12-13]

Production for Kalidax Farming Program has finished! The game is as complete... or at least as complete as it's going to be for this year. It's exciting seeing the fruits of our team's labour having come together. 

Post-production, we've been focused on wrapping up the project. This has involved putting together a  final project summary and showcase presentation as well as a 'final' build of the game. 'Final' being in quotations as our team is dedicated to improving the project past our last deliverable. Bugs and areas for polish are still being identified and we're still working hard to fix them. This project was intended to be a strong portfolio piece for us and we're still united in that goal even months after the start of development. 

While this experience is still fresh in our minds, we'll be gathering our thoughts together for a post-mortem discussion next week. I'm anticipating that much of the discussion will revolve around the risks we identified early in production and how some of them came to affect our tasks. Outside of these risks, I'm impressed with how well our team, Barracuda The 3rd, handling the scope of our project and task reassignment. Conflict between team members was virtually non-existent and against all odds, our passion for this project kept burnout at bay. It feels like a privilege to have been able to work as part of such a well oiled machine. 

Thank you to the rest of Team Barracuda The 3rd for all your hard work and congratulations to our peers for successfully completing their projects as well!

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