Dev Log 5 - Pre-Production

[Semester 2: Week 1]

Following the holiday break, our team has reconvened to continue development of the Kalidax Farming Program project. After an extended break, our first job was to recap the work we had done on the game thus far. 

KFP first started as a paper prototype pitched to the team alongside 5 other prototypes. After experiencing an interactive representation of the game's core concepts and gameplay, the team voted and agreed to carry it into pre-production.

Much of our pre-production was completed last semester. Our team worked together to produce a proof of concept and prototype in Unity alongside several documents including a:

  • Creative Brief
  • Team Charter
    • Contains information related to team roles and dynamics
  • Project Plan
    • Summarizes the project concept and goals
    • Outlines plans for work and task management
  • GDD
    • Outlines technical information related to game design and direction
  • Schedule
    • Includes product and work breakdown structures for the overarching product and individual team members
    • Contains a master schedule outlining dates, deadlines, and meetings for tasks and deliverables.
  • Risk Analysis Report
    • Covers potential setbacks and their impact on the project

After our team was up-to-date on the project's progress we turned to our Gantt chart & schedule to take a look at the product breakdown structure and task timeline. Planned tasks were brought into JIRA as user stories and epics. 

From there, we arranged for our first sprint.

I was responsible for producing character concept art during this first sprint. I drew several blockouts and concepts for Kalidax's main character. These concepts were brought to the rest of the team during our first sprint review where they were given the opportunity to pick out details they did and didn't like.

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