Dev Log 4 - Learning Reflection: Preparing For Next Semester

[Semester 1: Weeks 11 - 12]

Work on this project has been progressing smoothly. Our team put a lot work into establishing expectations for communication and conduct. Putting the effort into writing out the details in a team charter and project plan has helped us immensely. Working together for several weeks while sticking to this guidelines has engrained this dynamic in our heads. The workload is expected to increase in the production phase which will test these newly developed habits. However, Team Barracuda the 3rd hasn't had any issues in the slightest and I have faith that we can continue to avoid conflict.

At the moment, all of our files are located in a shared drive and linked into an organized master spreadsheet This system has also worked very well for our team. Having hyperlinks located in one central location eliminates the time needed to locate documents and allows us to jump into working without hesitation or delay. I hope to continue updating the master spreadsheet when we pick up work again next semester.


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I envy the work you guys have put into team coordination, I imagine it'll be a huge help. Your file and link organization systems also seem super useful, and I'd like to better implement that into my own team. It seems like you guys have set yourself up well for the workload of next semester.

Great to hear how your project is coming along. Organizing things through in-person team meetings speeds up the process nicely. Me and my team have not been doing that since not all of us show up on Fridays (our only day on campus), we've mostly just been doing remote stuff through Discord. Regardless, we are still making great progress. Having a shared drive and spreadsheet also helps keep everything neat and everyone on your team gets easy access. Looking forward to see how all of this will play out in the next semester.

It's impressive how well you've established communication and conduct standards, and it's clear that the groundwork you've laid is paying off. The organizational system with a central master spreadsheet sounds highly efficient too. Looking forward to seeing how the team tackles the increased workload in the production phase.